Community Crisis Outreach Center(CCOC) volunteer teams pick up bags of food on behalf of their local neighbors and hand out food at various common selected areas in order to help neighbors in their community.

These service areas have been in existence since the beginning of the virus (2020) and they are designed to support families that are low-income and the homeless population who, in order to survive, are living in mobile homes, motels or some other arrangement that is not the standard home or apartment.

Most of the areas that outreach teams are serving can be considered doubled burden areas, (facing food assistance desert and/or food desert areas of a community 0.5-10 miles from any food source or have no food pantry or food assistance within that distance).


Times and locations may vary. Contact your area ahead of time

Areas address day time photos
Area 1 Emergency general public
distribution Only
4989 Huntington Drive.
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Notified via social network
when activated
See our photos
Area 2 5469 Huntington Drive.
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Area 3 5466 Huntington
N. Los Angeles, CA 90032
1st and 3rd Saturday
every month
N/A See our photos
Area 5 Valley and 9th Street.
Alhambra, CA 91801
1st and 3rd Saturday
every month
10:30pm-1:30pm No Photos
Area 7 Van Nuys Community
Volunteer Services
Every first and third
Fridays of the month
Contact CCC directly
to sign up
No Photos
Area 8 2660 Ruth Swiggett Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Every first and third
Fridays of the month
Call (1-323-222-6659)
directly to sign up.
No Photos
Area 9 2221 Workman Street. Lincoln
Heights, CA 90031
Warehouse Distribution to
community outreach teams and
home delivery service
1st & 3rd Fridays
and Saturdays every
month 8am – 1pm

Our Video
Area 11 11126 Ramona Blvd, El
Monte, Ca 91731
Temporarily Closed 3pm-4:30pm Temporarily Closed
Area 12 3820 Penn Mar Avenue
El Monte CA 91732
Twice a month; The Monday
after the first Saturday
& every 3rd Saturday
Call (626) 580-2200 See our photos
Area 13 Glendale CA,
Eagle Rock, CA
Contact Ty 1-323-534-8980 See our photos
Area 14 Los Angeles, CA
and South LA
Contact Grace Alvarez info@graciesgiving
See our photos


CCOC volunteers deliver food to families of low income residing in rural double desert areas that are struggling with mental health and those who may have physical, sensory, behavioral, or intellectual disabilities affecting their ability to conform to infection control protocols.


San Dimas, La verne, Van Nuys, Monterey Park CA, East Los Angeles CA, South Los Angeles, Los Angeles Metro, Los Angeles Crenshaw.
(Skid Row) CA, Lincoln Heights CA, Alhambra CA, Eagle Rock CA, CA, Northeast Los Angeles, Universal Hills CA, Glendale CA, Glendora CA, South Pasadena CA, Montebello CA, Pasadena CA, Altadena CA, Burbank and Hollywood CA, El Monte CA, South El Monte CA .

We have rural and or double desert low-income service areas of color that we serve with  volunteers who:

1. recruit service areas residents into our project for employment.
2. distribute food, essentials, and broadband support on our behalf.


San Dimas Community Volunteers, serving homeless- low income families and general public areas ( Serving San Dimas, (San Dimas temporarily on hold), La verne, (La verne temporarily on hold).)

El Sereno Community Garden, serving very low-income pregnant or young single mothers with children (Serving desert area within Northeast Los Angeles.) See our photos

Alhambra Community Volunteer, community volunteers serve the unemployed and low-income (desert areas within Alhambra, CA.)

Templo Belen, serving seniors and disabled vets, families (Serving desert areas within Lincoln Heights.)

Gracie’s Giving Hands, serving homeless families of Los Angeles, CA (Skid row and South LA desert areas.) See our photos

South Central LA, serving South Central Los Angeles.

Monterey Park Community Outreach, serving low-income, seniors, unemployed (serving desert areas within East Los Angeles, Monterey Park, Montebello.)

Church of God Mission Ministry, general public and home deliveries (Serving desert areas of Lincoln Heights, China town, Boyle Heights.)

Eagle Rock Community Outreach, serving senior citizens and elderly (Serving desert areas of Eagle Rock, Glendale, Tujunga.) See our photos

Seeds Of Life, East Los Angeles, South Los Angeles, Alhambra CA.

United Hands, general public, home deliveries (Serving Montebello and East Los Angeles.)

Our Lady of Guadalupe/St. Vincent De Paul, general public (serving seniors, homeless and families in Rose Hills, N East Los Angeles.)

Flores Pantry, general public, veterans, children, seniors, homeless and families ( Serving El Monte and So El Monte, CA.) See our photos